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ABANZIS COLLABORATION AND BUSINESS INTERMEDIATION SLU, with Commercial Registry of MADRID, Volume: 23.052, Folio: 79, Section: 8 Page: M-412980 Insc 1ª, with CIF: B84705490 and address at C/ Cea Bermúdez, 44 4ºD - 28003 Madrid.

1. The intellectual property rights of the Web, its design, navigation structure, source codes, its databases as well as each of the different elements contained therein are owned by ABANZIS COLABORACION E INTERMEDIACION EMPRESARIAL SL, to whom only the exclusive exercise of the rights to exploit them in any form corresponds, and especially the rights of reproduction, distribution, public communication and transformation.

2. These general conditions regulate the access and use of the website that ABANZIS COLABORACION E INTERMEDIACION EMPRESARIAL SL makes freely available to Internet users. Access to said site implies acceptance without reservation. The use of certain services offered on this site will also be governed by the particular conditions provided in each case, which will be understood as accepted by the mere use of such services.

3. Users who access the Web are expressly authorized to view all the information, print and partially download the content only and exclusively if the following conditions are met:
3.1) That it is done when the reproduced elements are destined only for personal and private use of the user. Therefore, its use for commercial purposes or for distribution, public communication, transformation or decompilation, including its sending via email, is expressly prohibited. It is also prohibited that such content be transferred or transmitted to third parties or installed on any server directly or indirectly connected to a local network and the Internet, so that a group of third parties can have access to such information.
3.2) That none of the related content on this website be modified in any way.

3.3) That no graphic, icon or image available on this website be used, copied or distributed separately from the text or other images that accompany it. Any violation of the prohibitions and limitations contained in this section, as well as in any of the following, will be considered an infringement of the intellectual property rights owned by ABANZIS COLABORACION E INTERMEDIACION EMPRESARIAL SL and will give rise to the responsibilities legally established for that purpose, and may be pursued by the latter through the exercise of administrative, civil or criminal actions that, where appropriate, correspond.



The User acknowledges and accepts that all industrial and intellectual property rights over the contents and / or any other elements inserted in the Website (including, by way of example and not limitation, all those elements that make up the visual appearance, graphic image and other sensory stimuli of the Web pages that make up the Web site "", brands, logos, trade names, texts, reviews and comments, images, graphics, designs, sounds, databases , software, flow diagrams, presentation, navigation architecture, as well as the source codes of the Web pages belong to ABANZIS COLABORACION E INTERMEDIACION EMPRESARIAL SL and / or to third parties that have assigned their rights. For this purpose, it will be understood as Website all those creations incorporated and expressed by any means and / or tangible or intangible medium, known or to be known, that is the object of protection by the norm provisions current regulations on intellectual and industrial property.

The mere visualization, printing, downloading or temporary storage, either in whole or in part, of the contents and / or of the elements inserted in the Website or on the pages that make it up exclusively for personal, private and personal use is authorized. non-profit by the user provided that in any case the origin and / or author of the same is indicated and, where appropriate, the copyright symbol and / or industrial property notes of its owners appear.

In no case does access to the Website imply any type of permission, waiver, transmission, license or total or partial assignment of said rights by their owners, unless expressly stated otherwise. These conditions of use of the Website do not confer on Users any other right to use, alter, exploit, reproduce, distribute or publicly communicate the Website and / or its Contents other than those expressly provided herein. Any other use or exploitation of any rights will be subject to the prior and express authorization specifically granted for this purpose by ABANZIS COLABORACION E INTERMEDIACION EMPRESARIAL SL or, where appropriate, by the third party owner of the affected rights.

The use of such elements, their total or partial reproduction, communication and / or distribution for commercial or lucrative purposes, as well as their modification, alteration, decompilation and / or any other act of exploitation of the Website, its pages and / or are strictly prohibited. or of the contents that are incorporated in them. For any other use other than those expressly permitted, it will be necessary to obtain the prior written consent of the holder of the rights in question.



1. ABANZIS COLABORACION E INTERMEDIACION EMPRESARIAL SL reserves the right to carry out whenever necessary and without prior notice, all modifications and updates to the information contained on its website, both in its version in Spanish and in other languages-, of the configuration and presentation of this and the conditions of access. The documents and graphics published on this website may incorporate technical inaccuracies or typographical errors.

2. ABANZIS COLABORACION E INTERMEDIACION EMPRESARIAL SL provides the materials and graphics contained in this website without express or implied warranty of any kind. ABANZIS COLABORACION E INTERMEDIACION EMPRESARIAL SL rejects the existence of any guarantee or condition implicit in the information contained herein, including guarantees of commercial viability, of non-infringement of intellectual property or of adaptation to any specific objective.

3. In no case will ABANZIS COLABORACION E INTERMEDIACION EMPRESARIAL SL or its suppliers be responsible for any type of damage or loss, including those derived from a reduction in profits, business interruption or loss of information due to use or misuse of the materials contained in this server, even in the event that ABANZIS COLABORACION E INTERMEDIACION EMPRESARIAL SL has been advised of the possibility of such damages or losses.

4. ABANZIS COLABORACION E INTERMEDIACION EMPRESARIAL SL does not guarantee the absence of interruptions or errors in accessing its website or its different contents. Nor does it guarantee that it is always and in all cases updated, although it will make its best efforts to, where appropriate, avoid, correct or update said content as soon as possible. ABANZIS COLABORACION E INTERMEDIACION EMPRESARIAL SL does not assume any type of responsibility for any of the information contained in other Websites to which the Web may refer through hypertext links or "links".

5. ABANZIS COLABORACION E INTERMEDIACION EMPRESARIAL SL does not assume any responsibility derived from the concession or contents of the third party links referred to on the Web, nor does it guarantee the absence of viruses or other elements in them that may cause alterations in the computer system (hardware and software), documents or files of the user, excluding any responsibility for damages of any kind caused to the user for this reason. Therefore, it is not responsible for the content of any of them, or for the changes or updates that they may experience.

6. Both access to this website and the use that may be made of the information contained therein is the sole responsibility of whoever performs it. ABANZIS COLABORACION E INTERMEDIACION EMPRESARIAL SL will not be liable for any consequence, damage or harm that may arise from said access or use of the information. ABANZIS COLABORACION E INTERMEDIACION EMPRESARIAL SL is not responsible for possible security errors that may occur or for possible damage that may be caused to the user's computer system (hardware and software) as well as the files or documents stored therein, as a result of the presence of viruses on the user's computer used to connect to the services and contents of the Web, a malfunction of the browser or the use of non-updated versions of the same.

7. Likewise, ABANZIS COLABORACION E INTERMEDIACION EMPRESARIAL SL is the owner of the industrial property rights relating to its products and services, and specifically those relating to the registered trademark. Regarding the quotations of products and services of third parties, ABANZIS COLABORACION E INTERMEDIACION EMPRESARIAL SL recognizes in favor of their owners the corresponding industrial and intellectual property rights, their mere mention or appearance on the Web does not imply the existence of any rights or responsibility of ABANZIS COLABORACION E INTERMEDIACION EMPRESARIAL SL about them, as well as endorsement, sponsorship, recommendation by ABANZIS COLABORACION E INTERMEDIACION EMPRESARIAL SL.

 8. The unauthorized use of any information contained in this website, its resale, as well as the infringement of the Intellectual or Industrial Property rights of ABANZIS COLABORACION E INTERMEDIACION EMPRESARIAL SL will give rise to the legally established responsibilities.

9. Any type of third-party link to this website must be to the main or entry page:



This privacy policy is in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of April 27, 2016, concerning the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and free movement of these data (GDPR), to Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, on the Protection of Personal Data and guarantee of digital rights (LOPDGDD), as well as in what is not contrary to the regulations indicated, to the Law Organic 15/1999, for the Protection of Personal Data (LOPD) and its development regulations, and / or those that could replace or update them in the future.

Our organization is committed to the privacy of your personal data. The personal data provided are necessary to provide our services and are treated in a lawful, loyal and transparent manner, guaranteeing adequate security, including protection against unauthorized or illegal treatment and against their loss, destruction or accidental damage through application of technical and organizational measures.

Through this document we want to offer you in a transparent and loyal way all the necessary information related to the processing of your personal data carried out by this organization.



I - Responsible for Treatment:


CIF / NIF: B84705490

HOME: C/ Cea Bermúdez, 44 4ºD - 28003 Madrid

PHONE: 965049485



1.- The personal data provided will not be subject to any transfer unless it is so provided in the specific treatments.

2.- Optionally, for the contracting of cloud computing services and / or services for sending e-mails, communication, as well as other related computer services, personal data may be:

- Assigned to computer services companies located within the European Economic Area (EEA) or,

- Transferred to computer services companies located outside the EEA under the Privacy Shield, so they have adequate protection measures to guarantee the security of personal data. You can get more information by visiting this link:

3.- Optionally, to administrations and other organizations when required in compliance with legal obligations.  


In each specific treatment of personal data we will inform you of the legal basis that legitimizes it.




It is the right to obtain confirmation from the person responsible for the processing of whether or not they are treating personal data concerning the interested party and, in this case, the right to access personal data and the following information: the purposes of the treatment, the categories of personal data in question, the recipients or categories of recipients to whom the personal data, retention period or the criteria used to determine this period were communicated or will be communicated, the existence of the right to request the rectification or deletion of data from the person responsible or the limitation of the processing of personal data related to the interested party or to oppose said processing, the right to file a claim with the Spanish Agency for Data Protection (AEPD), the existence, where appropriate, of automated decisions, including the preparation of profiles, when data is transferred to third countries the right to be informed of the guarantees adequate ways applied.


It is the right to request the rectification of your personal data if they are inaccurate, including the right to complete data that appears incomplete. We must bear in mind that by providing us with personal data by any means, it guarantees that they are true and accurate and undertakes to notify us of any change or modification thereof. Therefore, any damage caused by a communication of erroneous, inaccurate or incomplete information on the forms of the web, will be the sole responsibility of the interested party.


It is the right to request the deletion of your personal data when, among other cases, they are no longer necessary for the purpose for which they were collected, or are being treated in another way or withdraw consent. It must be taken into account that the deletion will not proceed when the processing of personal data is necessary, among other cases, for the fulfillment of legal obligations or for the formulation, exercise or defense of claims.


It is the right to request the limitation of the processing of your personal data, which means that in certain cases you can request that we temporarily suspend the processing of your personal data or that we keep them beyond the necessary time when you may need it.


It is the right to withdraw the consent that you have provided by signing handwritten or digitally at any time and as specified in the corresponding section "Exercise of rights" or in the specific treatment of commercial communications or Newsletter. It must be taken into account that this right will not take effect if, among other cases, the processing of personal data is necessary for the fulfillment of a legal obligation, the execution and maintenance of a contractual relationship, or for the formulation, exercise or defense of claims. Likewise, the withdrawal of consent will not have retroactive effects, that is, it will not affect the legality of the treatment based on the consent prior to its withdrawal.


It is the right to receive the personal data that concerns you and that you have provided us, in a structured format, for common use and mechanical reading, and to transmit them to another person in charge, as long as: the treatment is based on your consent and is carried out by automated or computer means.


It is the right to object to the processing of your personal data based on our legitimate interest. We will not continue to process your personal data unless we can prove compelling legitimate reasons for the treatment that prevail over your interests, rights and freedoms, or for the formulation, exercise or defense of claims.


If you consider that we treat your personal data incorrectly, you can contact us or you also have the right to file a claim with the Spanish Agency for Data Protection (AEPD):


You can exercise the rights that assist you through a letter to the postal address indicated above or through the e-mail, attaching in both cases a copy of your NIF / NIE / Passport or similar document.



The personal data requested in each of the specific treatments are adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary in relation to the purposes for which they are treated so that the principle of data minimization.

The personal data requested in each of the specific treatments are strictly necessary, the refusal to provide them would imply not being able to provide the requested service.

The communications of the personal data provided in each of the specific treatments in some cases are necessary for the execution and maintenance of a contract and in other cases for the fulfillment of a legal obligation applicable to the person responsible for the treatment.



Personal data will be processed to channel requests for information, suggestions and complaints from customers or users for their management and resolution.

The legal basis that legitimizes the processing of personal data is the legitimate interest of the responsible party.

Personal data will be kept for a period of two years from the moment they stop being processed, without prejudice to the exercise of the rights that assist you as an interested party.



The people who receive any of the communications, information, newsletters, electronic advertising from ABANZIS COLABORACION E INTERMEDIACION EMPRESARIAL SL receive them for the following reasons:
- By online registration from this page.
- By online registration from the pages of collaborators.
- By requesting information about our products and services.
- For having provided your information to any of our Collaborators or Employees.
- By off-line registration when filling out forms, newsletters, applications, etc., which are offered at fairs, offices, collaborators and that are archived for further verification for 5 years.

Our communications do not want to reach any person who does not want it, therefore, and in order to correct the situation that can sometimes arise that someone may register another without their consent, we have incorporated a filter into this subscription system based on a "non-contact list" that prevents the registration of any email address included in it.
Therefore, if you never want to receive our communications and prevent anyone from being able to register against your will, please send us an email to indicating in the SUBJECT: "LISTED DOWN" and we will include in the "Non-contact list" that address from which this e-mail is sent to us.

If you have any problems doing it electronically, do not hesitate to contact us at (+34) 623 55 08 66 during office hours, where a person will assist you personally and carry out said procedure.



The Law applicable in case of dispute or conflict of interpretation of the terms that make up this Legal Notice, as well as any matter related to the services of this website, will be Spanish.

For the resolution of any conflict that may arise during the visit to the web, ABANZIS COLABORACION E INTERMEDIACION EMPRESARIAL SL and the user agree to submit to the commercial judges and courts of Madrid




The use of such elements, their total or partial reproduction, communication and / or distribution for commercial or lucrative purposes, as well as their modification, alteration, decompilation and / or any other act of exploitation of the Website, its pages and / or are strictly prohibited. or of the contents that are incorporated in them. For any other use other than those expressly permitted, it will be necessary to obtain the prior written consent of the holder of the rights in question.



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